The feedback I received was really important to me as it helped me to gain comments from the actual viewers of my trailer and who would see the products I produced. If my soap 'Hatton Park' was going to be produced then there would be special screenings of it before it would be put to air. Feedback would be given throughout to what works well and what could be improved. The soap (and the products I made) would not be successful if the target audience were not attracted to them or didn't feel like they work.
Throughout the construction and the complete final three products I used social network sites to gain feedback from my target audience. The feedback helped me to judge whether the products were successful in appealing to the target audience. Using social network sites enabled me to get instant feedback on my products as it was quick and easy to attach links to the products in Facebook status' and tweets on Twitter.
The trailer responses showed that the audience liked the trailer and would like to watch Hatton Park. They picked up on some minor continuity errors which would be changed if we had time to record it again, these occurred mainly in editing as we tried to keep the time of the trailer down, to fit in with conventions. They said that they trailer was gripping and mysterious, which was the intended affect we wanted it to have on the audience.
This response to my poster showed that they liked how composition of the characters showed the relationships. This was the intended affect because I wanted the viewer to start to guess at possible storyline and therefore make them want to watch the soap.
Magazine cover:
This tweet response showed me that the audience were attracted to the stereotypical convention of having bright colours on the cover. They also picked up on the dramatic direct cover lines. This response was very positive and showed that the magazine would be successful.
I also used a focus group of 11-19 year olds to gain their views on my three products. I was able to ask them questions and this led into a wide range of long answers which showed how well the products appealed to them.
I recorded the focus group as follows:
Trailer feedback by Rachel Ashby 1
This response showed me that the trailer was successful in advertising all the possible storylines we wanted to hint at. The interviewee said that they liked how we had a range of all different characters. They felt that this would appeal to everyone as they could find the character they were most like. They also felt that the music fitted in well with the storylines hinted at, this is something we chose to deliberately happen.
They said to improve we could alter the sound. This was something we also picked up on as the sound quality was not very good on the final cut. We found that using a microphone rather than the one on the video camera may have recorded the sound cleaner.
Cover feedback by Rachel Ashby 1
This response showed that although soap magazines do not tend to appeal to this audience, the large Hatton Park feature appealed. Having the main image and coverline to do with Hatton Park meant that the interviewee said they would be tempted to pick it up solely because of this. They liked how I stuck to the stereotypical conventions of listings magazine covers, by having a busy and colourful front cover.
They said to improve I could have added further coverlines and images to fill up the coloured space. I can see that there is further room for improvement with this as I could have added extra images to fill up space. This would also help to appeal to other readers as well as they may be interested in these soaps.
Poster feedback by Rachel Ashby 1
This showed me that the poster was also successful at drawing in the audience to get them guessing at the possible story lines that would be shown. Having the characters looking at each other in different directions meant that the interviewee started to understand some of the relationships.
He said to improve I could have added either less colour or a background setting to the poster as he didn't feel like it put it in to context. I can understand this as in most of the existing posters I found that conventionally posters do have a background image or single colour, however I decided to break this convention to keep my poster fresh and welcoming to a new audience, and the colours were also used to reflect the characters personalities. I maybe could have added more colour to get peoples attention better.
By using a survey on Survey Monkey I was able to gain anonymous views on all three of my products. I felt using a survey like this would be effective because the views aren't said directly to me, therefore the people filling it may feel like they could be more honest about my products.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.
Responses included:

This showed that all the people that took my survey gave it a respectable 4/5. As always there is room for improvement in everything. 100% of my target audience said that the trailer would appeal to them. One said "It seemed to hint to some interesting storylines. It did make me want to watch an episode of Hatton Park'. This shows me that the planning I did worked and that the trailer did appeal to the target audience in the correct intended ways. They also commented on good use of camera work when panning over to Elizabeth looking at the group. They felt it added to the mystery as it showed her on her own staring at them from the distance.

These selected responses show me that the magazine cover is successfully following the identified conventions I found in my research stage. They particularly liked the colours of the cover and felt that the cover was eye catching and would consider buying it.
This showed me that there were many strengths and weaknesses of all my three products. The main ones were consistently picked up through out all the survey, focus group and social network comments. The felt the main strength of the audiovisual work was the camera work and mise-en-scene bringing across the characters personalities and relationships how we intended them too. They said that the main weakness in the trailer was the sound. In the audio visual media they liked the colours and the logo being used in these as well as the trailer. They felt that this linked all the pieces together and helped to build up the Hatton Park brand.
From my audience feedback I have learnt that my products do have some weaknesses. There are areas that can be improved slightly to add more appeal to the audience or make things clearer. However the feedback has also shown me, and I also feel, that I have made three successful products that do appeal to my intended and identified target audience.
Soap listings magazine cover:
Hatton Park poster:
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